Abdulhameed Hussain
1915 – 1984
Abulhameed Hussain Marafie was born in Alwassat
neighbourhood. His house was situated on a hill facing the
sea. He is regarded as the first Kuwaiti contractor to set
up electrical connections in the Kuwait Oil Company sites
and also in Almaydan School in Sharq area, Aljibllah and
Alwistta Schools in addition to other electrical projects
for the government and individuals.
In his forties he opened an electrical shop in the souk (Souk
Altijjar); with 13 people working under him. Besides various
other undertakings he was an expert in the installation and
maintenance of cooling fans, an expertise that brought great
relief to the people of Kuwait, esp. during the peak summer
His proficiency in English Language was of a great benefit
to Kuwait Oil Company’s (KOC); electrical projects
particularly, since British designed Electrical goods had
its specifications written in English. Language knowledge
greatly helped him towards the right implementation of those
British make goods.
His participation in the historic event of the drilling of
the First Oil Well at Albahra in Kuwait was highly admired.
His role was to manage & control the supply of electric
power, used for drilling, to the foreign technical team.
During World War II he rendered his valuable assistance in
camouflaging the oil well and other electrical equipments
from the vista of Axis Powers.